Confederation of International Contractors’ Associations (CICA)

Irwin Perret
Irwin Perret

April 2020 - Why should we rethink the socio-economic assessment methods for infrastructure projects?

CICA working group Long Term Financing of Infrastructure under the Chairmanship of Roger Fiszelson supported the development of the study, with the financial support from the French Federation of Public Works, on the new methods for socio-economic assessment of infrastructure projects. The study also examines the feasibility of classifying infrastructure projects according to their measurable socio-economic benefits and budgetary impacts, in view to introduce new public accounting rules.

Download the study: Why should we rethink the socio-economic assessment methods for infrastructure projects? / The Latest from CICA (


June 2020 - CICA is renewing its participation in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) International Center of Excellence on Public-Private Partnerships

The Memorandum of Understanding signed between UNECE and CICA and the French Institute of International Legal Experts (IFEJI), giving birth to the International Centre of Excellence (ICoE) on Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in May 2015, expired in May 2020. Discussions were underway with the UNECE for its renewal, based on an intellectual contribution from CICA.

CICA and the ICoE had expressed some concerns and provided some comments and proposals for improvement on the Public-Private Partnerships Model Law drafted by the UNECE and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). In December 2020, a Working Party has been held, during which the PfPPP Standard Planification and Priorisation and the Implementation Guide, about ICoE standards, templates and clauses previously adopted by the United Nations was presented.

Learn more: The Latest from CICA (


June 2020 - CICA launched a new Working Group on Health and Safety (H&S) chaired by the Israeli Builders Association (IBA)

On June 4th, 2020, IBA and CICA representatives met online to prepare the launch of the Health and Safety Working Group. After several research on health and safety performance around the world, the Working Group objectives are to collect case studies and data, also including technological aspects related to Health and Safety, to share best practices worldwide. The aim is also to develop a standardized matrix that can be used by countries to measure current and future health and safety situations. Among other initiatives, CICA will distribute surveys, organize “safety tours” in different member countries, publish a specific letter of information etc. The CICA Working Group chaired by IBA is seeking to present these topics of “Health and Safety” as opportunities for companies. 

Learn more: The Latest from CICA (


September 2020 - CICA contributed to the FIDIC Contracts' Users Newsletter: Covid crisis and construction - the global response

CICA explains how various countries around the world have handled the impact of the crisis of their construction industry.

Read the full article: Covid crisis and construction – the global response / The Latest from CICA (


November 2020 - Vademecum for PPP Contractual Schemes for Private Investment in Infrastructure

CICA working group on Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) under the chairmanship of Fernando Lago (CAMARCO) published the Vademecum for PPP. It aims to become an international reference tool for the private and the public sectors. It has the objective to fill the lack of a universal analysis grid of the conditions for the success of PPPs. The guide should help public agencies and companies to implement PPP governance, integrity, and efficiency principles, using the best available practices in the capacity building of their staffs and in the choice of outside advisers for PPP preparation, PPP procurement and PPP implementation.

Download the Vademecum : Vademecum for PPP Contractual Schemes for Private Investment in Infrastructure / The Latest from CICA (


November 2020 - CICA’s virtual General Assembly took place – New President Election

The CICA Autumn General Assembly was held virtually this year on November 26, 2020, via Zoom. 
This year a new CICA Board was elected: Mr. Irwin Perret (Venezuela) nominated by FIIC was elected CICA President for a two-year term.

Mr. Philippe Dessoy (Belgium) nominated by FIEC was elected Senior Vice-President.

Mr. Enrique Espinosa (Peru) nominated by FIIC was elected Vice-President.

Mr. Daniel Tardy (France) was confirmed as Treasurer.

Learn more: The Latest from CICA (


March 2021 (30.03.2021) - Global Project Assessment Method (GLOPRAM)

Jeanne Amar, Lecturer at the University of Côte d’Azur and Vincent Piron, economy and transport Specialist, proposed a methodology for evaluating the medium-to-long-term fiscal return generated by the various infrastructure categories: the Global Project Assessment Method. This methodology covers both the construction of new infrastructure and the maintenance/rehabilitation of existing ones. It provides a more detailed assessment of the sustainability of the public debt incurred for the construction of infrastructure. The GLOPRAM facilitates the decision-making for public and private investment choices. This method is a neutral indication of the social, environmental, and economic expenditures and returns an infrastructure will generate over time.

CICA is supporting the dissemination of this critical tool, through its channels.

Learn more: Global Project Assessment Method (GLOPRAM) – CICA/Glopram | Global Project Assesment Method


May 2021 (18.05.2021) - CICA General Assembly and Webinar (virtual)

In the margins of CICA Spring General Assembly, François Bergère, Executive Director of the Long Term Infrastructure Investors Association (LTIIA), presented « the other infrastructure gap ».
To bridge the gap we need:

  • A stable and predictable investment environment.
  • A pipeline of investable infrastructure projects to allow a regular deal flow enabling an assets allocation strategy.
  • The support of Multilateral Development Banks and other Development Finance Institutions to aggregate and attract investments by setting up the appropriate platforms.

The infrastructure gap is not limited to emerging markets. Mitigating risks is crucial, for greenfield projects. More blended finance is needed to scale up funds for infrastructure from institutional investors. 

Learn more: The Latest from CICA ( LTIIA


June 2021 (16.06.2021) - CICA President visit to Israel

On June 16 - 17, CICA President Irwin Perret was invited to attend the International Conference for Construction & Infrastructure in Eilat, Israel. Attendees had the opportunity to discuss the role of the Construction industry in the world economic growth, and how it will support post-Covid-19 recovery. Irwin Perret met with Israel Interior Minister, Ms. Ayelet Shaked, and with the Israeli Builders Association. Irwin Perret previously participated on video to the “National Occupational Safety in Construction” Day, that took place in Israel on May 19, 2021. During this day, the Israeli Builders Association, member of CICA, conducted several events, such as a temporary shutdown of all construction sites in Israel to make time for various safety activities and sessions.

Learn more: The Latest from CICA (



June 2021 (07.06.2021) - CICA partners with the WAPPP

The Confederation of International Contractors’ Associations (CICA) and the World Association of PPP Units & Professionals (WAPPP) have formed a Strategic Partnership. This cooperation agreement aims at promoting more sustainable and successful public-private partnerships, and thus make a positive contribution to the world.

Learn more: The Latest from CICA (


August 2021 (24.08.2021) - CICA for Revue travaux

The latest edition of Revue Travaux dedicated an article to CICA, to present its activities and current interests. Learn about CICA’s history, CICA’s working groups activities, CICA’s organization… with CICA General Director's interview (in French).

Read the interview here:




September 2021 (08.09.2021) - Mobility and recovery in Europe, impact of the covid-19 crisis

The European Union Road Federation (ERF), the Confederation of International Contractors’ Associations (CICA), the French Federation for Public Works (Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics – FNTP), the European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC) and Routes de France have joined forces to produce this benchmark study entitled “Mobility and Recovery in Europe: Impacts of the Covid-19 crisis”. The aim of the study is to give a picture, in 11 European countries (*) of the impact of the crisis caused by the pandemic on the mobility and transport sectors. The approach is to compare the evolution of mobility before and after the arrival of the health crisis. In addition, it will analyse the way in which European countries have adapted their support for transport infrastructures, further to an analysis of national recovery and resilience plans, based on the European Recovery Plan (“Next Generation EU”).




Since March 2020 – CICA is monitoring the Covid-19 Overview

CICA is following closely the day to day evolution of the coronavirus crisis and its impact on the construction sector and the worldwide recovery. An interactive map is available.

Learn more: / Covid-19 Coverage - Interactive Map


Since January 2021 - CICA’s participation in the B20 Italy

The Business 20 (B20), platform for dialogue between political leaders, the civil society, and businesses, will take place in Italy this year. It brings together businesses and business organizations that formulate concrete recommendations to support economic growth and development. These recommendations are addressed to the member countries of the G20. The work of the B20 relies on task forces (TFs) of different interests, each composed of around 100 businesses representatives from the G20 countries, from selected invited countries and international organizations. CICA’s application was accepted by the B20 authorities and CICA will be represented in two task forces of interest for the construction sector, namely: « Finance and Infrastructure » and « Integrity and Compliance ».

Learn more: The Latest from CICA (


Since February 2021 - CICA's involvement in the Blue Dot Network Initiative

The Blue Dot Network (BDN) is a United States, Australian and Japanese initiative. Its technical development is supported by the OECD.

This private sector focused initiative aims to promote quality infrastructure investment that is open, inclusive, transparent, economically efficient, financially viable, resilient, environmentally, and socially sustainable and compliant with international standards, laws, and regulations.
CICA contributes and participates in the discussions related to the Quality Infrastructure Certification and to the review mechanism which should also be put in place.

Learn more: The Latest from CICA (