May 2020

EU Recovery Fund - Joint letter of FIEC-EBC-CPE to Commissioner Breton on the Multiplier effect of Construction.
Joint letter to Breton
First FIEC General Assembly held via video conference with the election of the new FIEC President & Steering Committee for the mandate 2020-2022
June 2020

FIEC and EFBWW meet Commissioner Timmermans Head of Cabinet to discuss the EU Green Deal and the EU recovery plan
FIEC Webinar "European Construction Industry: ensuring a clear and fair relationship with software companies".
PPT of the webinar fair relationship with software companies
Appeal by the Construction industry for a rapid and sustainable recovery.
Appeal published on 16 June 2020
July 2020

FIEC position paper on the New Circular Economy Action Plan
(which needs to address the entire built environment and not only buildings).Position Paper on Circular Economy Action Plan
August 2020

FIEC secures key appointment on Plaform on Sustainable Finance. Its representative Pekka Vuorinen will be among the 50 experts advising the EU Commission on the technical sreening criteria for the EU Taxonomy. Visit Platform on Sustainable Finance.
September 2020

Launch of a campaign against undeclared work in Construction. European Conference held online on 24 September during the European week #EU4FairWork
Meeting between FIEC VP Joël Schons and MEP Marc Angel, discussion on various social issues relevant for the sector
Technical Conference hosted by the EU Commission on the future of CPR, amongst the speakers Eric Winnepenninckx and Lars Meyer, members of FIEC 's Technical sub-commission "Regulation & Standadisation"
Meeting with Cabinet of Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius on Circular Economy Action Plan
Joint Discussion Paper on the Future of the Construction Products Regulation
Italian member federation ANCE Event on Digital Innovation. FIEC President Thomas Bauer and Vice President Joel Schons speakers.
October 2020

Meeting between FIEC Vice-President Philip Crampton and MEP Maria Walsh, discussion on various social issues relevant for the sector
Launch of the New FIEC Website!
November 2020

FIEC Vice-Presidents Joël Schons and Piero Petrucco met Commissioner Breton (Industry and Internal Market) and Commissioner Schmit (Social Affairs) during a construction roundtable aimed at addressing the EU Pact for Skills
Renovation Wave, online conference organised by MEP Iskra Mihaylova with Commissioner Kadri Simson : intervention of FIEC Vice-President Lubomir Katchamakov and Director General Domenico Campogrande on the huge opportunities for the construction sector. Meeting with MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen on Renovation Wave
Commissioner Mariya Gabriel opened FIEC General Assembly on 20th November insisting on the need to invest in skills and education. She mentionned also the EU research programmes and the new EU Bauhaus initiative
December 2020

FIEC participates in the joint meeting of the ELA Stakeholders Group and the ELA Management Board to address the future challenges of the newly created European Labour Authority.
Launch of the #BuildingLife Campaign which aims to promote the decarbonisation of the built environment. FIEC has joined the campaign, our ambassador is Henriette Thuen from our Danish member.
Webinar of the Construction 2050 Alliance : the built environment must be a KEY PRIORITY in all national Recovery plans and in the new EU funding initiatives. Discussion with MEP Pernille Weiss and MEP Iskra Mihaylova
January 2021

Before starting another year, let's look back at the brief overview of FIEC milestones 2020 in a nutshell
February 2021

#Renovation Wave, release of the FIEC Position Paper. Intervention of FIEC Director General at the EESC High Level Round Table on Renovation Wave and during a podcast of the #EUindustryDays 2021
Meeting with Christian Doleschal MEP on Construction Products Regulation with other associations EBC, Small Business Standards and Construction Products Europe.
March 2021

Meeting with Commissioner Simson's cabinet on Renovation Wave
Digiplace event in the framework of the EU Industry Week 2021 "Towards a Reference Architecture Framework for a Digital Industrial Platform for the construction industry". FIEC Vice-President Joël Schons amongst the speakers
- FIEC meets EIB Vice-President Lilyana Pavlova. The EIB is becoming a "climate bank" and is planning to direct more than 50% of its lending to priority areas related to climate and environmental sustainability investments.
April 2021

5th International meeting of the Construction Blueprint project
FIEC meets MEP Nikolaj Villumsen, Rapporteur in charge of asbestos report.
FIEC paper on asbestos
May 2021

Launch of the inter-active map on the activity of third country SOEs in the EU procurement market. Visit here
Digiplace closing conference with FIEC's First Vice-President Philip Crampton amongst the panelists discussing future EU support for the digital transition of the construction industry
BIM-SPEED Project, 6th General Assembly of the H2020 research project. Development of the BIM-SPEED platform & the digital tools
Steep increase in construction material prices, FIEC appeals to the EU Commission
Commissioner Simson keynote speaker at FIEC General Assembly, she acknowledges FIEC paper on Renovation Wave.
June 2021

FIEC Statistical Report "Resilient during the crisis, but no full recovery in 2021"
Joint Statement of EU Social Partners FIEC & EFBWW on third country national workers and companies in the EU construction market.
Joint statement on third country national workers and companies
FIEC webinar with software companies to discuss how to build win-win relationships.
Webinar PPT
July 2021

FIEC Position Paper "Revision of Energy Performance in Building Directive: Fit for purpose for the Fit for 55 legislative package".
FIEC position Revision EPBD: Fit for purpose for the Fit for 55 legislative package
#EUConstruction2050 webinar "The construction ecosystem as an opportunity for new talent ? YES!"
August 2021

- BIM SPEED Project - Building Renovation competition "Tools for 21st century construction".
Article published in Construction Europe
September 2021

#BuildingLife webinar exploring proposals for the Built Environment. FIEC represented by Pekka Vuorinen, member of the EU Taxonomy Platform and Sue Arundale moderating the on line event
Intervention of Vice-President Maria Angeles Asenjo in the INTA committee on the International Procurement Instrument
Participation of FIEC Vice-President Piero Petrucco in the 1st meeting of the new High Level Construction Forum for the green and digital transitions.
October 2021

Participation of FIEC Vice-President Joël Schons in the European Tripartite Social Summit stressing the importance of Construction Blueprint in upskilling workers and of sustainable finance in achieving transition to carbon neutral built environment
Joint FIEC & EFBWW webinar on better enforcing labour and internal market rules with digital solutions
Directors meeting of FIEC Member Federations discussing main current issues at stake for the sector.