‘’The Annual Report provides an overview on FIEC’s key policies, projects, figures and our achieved milestones.
FIEC commits to foster political action and cooperation at European level and continues standing out as the main voice of the construction industry toward the EU institutions, its stakeholders, and other international organisations active in the sector.’’
Philip Crampton
FIEC President (2022-2024)Discover some of our highlights over the period from November 2021 until October 2022. For further details on a specific topic, we invite you to explore the other chapters of this Report. Scroll up and down the green bar on each month to view all Milestones.
In its Position Paper, FIEC proposed a few amendments for the revision of the Machinery Products Directive: a high importance line to take for contractors and operators (08/11/2021).
Angela Martina, Chairwoman of the “Vocational training” sub-commission, FIEC speaker at EAfA live discussion on EU sectoral social dialogues – how social partners promote apprenticeships in construction and hospitality (10/11/2021).
FIEC Webinar on “Making the business case for green construction - Which future for house building?” (23/11/2021).
FIEC General Assembly with MEP Manfred Weber as keynote speaker. The event gathered contractors and representatives from FIEC member federations' countries (25/11/2021).
At the virtual event of the 2021 BIM-SPEED Industry Day, FIEC invites stakeholders and followers to discover the tools developed by the BIM-SPEED project (09.12.2021).
Launch of FIEC Annual Report 2021 (12/12/2021).
Workshop in the framework of the EU-funded DESOCO project on Social Identity Cards, with Romanian perspective: initiative managed by FIEC and EFBWW, representing the worker (14/12/2021).
The BIM SPEED project holds its General Assembly (16-17/12/2021).
FIEC speaks at the Hearing on Foreign Subsidies hosted at the European Parliament by the EPP group and dossier's rapporteur, MEP Christophe Hansen (13/01/2022).
EU-funded project "Respirable Crystalline Silica Dust" managed by FIEC and EFBWW: publication of research paper and mapping as final deliverables (15/01/2022).
Final conference of EU-funded project “Respirable Crystalline Silica Dust” promoted by FIEC and EFBWW (18/01/2022).
Release of Position Paper on the ‘’Fit for 55’’ package (20/01/2022).
Our Federation moves in! New FIEC offices at the heart of the EU institutions district – Avenue des Arts 20, 1000 Brussels (01/02/2022).
FIEC Director General, Domenico Campogrande, speaks at the AEIP Webinar presenting the results of YES Project (02/02/2022).
At the EU Industry Days 2022, Christine Le Forestier, FIEC Director for Social Affairs, presents the ''Pact for Skills in Construction’’ mobilising quality investments and commitment to improve construction skills - Press Release (08/02/2022).
FIEC joins OSHA's EU Healthy Workplaces campaign "Lighten the Load". FIEC tackled the issue of MSDs (Musculo-skeletal Disorders) for construction workers in a workshop organised together with EFBWW in the framework of the EU-funded project DESOCO and with a Slovenian perspective (“Health & Safety”) (09/02/2022).
Domenico Campogrande, FIEC Director General, is guest speaker at the virtual Climate Conversations - “What keeps the construction sector up at night?” hosted by the leading independent centre of expertise on energy performance of buildings, BPIE (17/02/2022).
Release of Position Paper on the revision of TEN-T Guidelines (21/02/2022).
Release of FIEC Position Paper with contribution to EU Consultation on collective bargaining for self-employed (24/02/2022).
2nd thematic Webinar “Which future for public works?” within a series launched by FIEC – “Making the business case for green construction” with focus on environmental sustainability in civil engineering and greening of public infrastructure (08/03/2022).
Release of Position Paper on asbestos following the European Commission's call for evidence on reducing workers exposure to asbestos. FIEC favoured the non-legislative option, amongst those proposed in the Commission's consultation document (22/03/2022).
Construction 2050 Alliance online event on “Sustainable access to primary & secondary raw materials” (24/03/2022).
Release of Position Paper on the proposal for a recast of the EPBD, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (31/03/2022).
FIEC-EIC-CICA Joint Statement on Ukraine, following FIEC’s support and solidarity expressed for Ukraine and its Ukrainian member federation, the CBU (05/04/2022).
EU High Level Construction Forum hosted by the European Commission, FIEC Vice-President, Lubomir Kachamakov, presents challenges and trends of the Renovation Wave, the EU Green Deal with a focus on sustainability and the resilience of the construction ecosystem (06/04/2022).
FIEC Vice-President Joël Schons speaks at PES Conference “Building resilience: addressing labour market shortages in specific economic sectors” (07/04/2022).
FIEC calls for temporary suspension of restrictions against imports of steel (12/04/2022).
Joint meeting of FIEC & EFBWW Boards: the EU official social dialogue partners meet again vis-à-vis after a long period of virtual roundtables (19/04/2022).
DG GROW's Director General, Kerstin Jorna, virtually meets the Directors of FIEC's member federations to discuss the impact of the Ukrainian war on price increases, the supply chain disruptions severely hindering construction activities (26/04/2022).
FIEC Conference & General Assembly in Limassol, Cyprus. Philip Crampton, from Ireland, is elected new FIEC President together with a newly elected Steering Committee – Press Release (11-13/05/2022).
As part of the activities of the Working Group Sustainability, FIEC releases a new publication on its “Sustainability Strategic Vision” presenting conditions to effectively implement the sustainability principles and targets along with key goals for integrating and improving sustainability in business models (05/05/2022).
Presentation by FIEC Vice-President, Joël Schons, of the results of the EU Social Dialogue joint project on “Reducing Respirable Crystalline Silica Dust Effectively”. The mapping report is made available in 12 languages (13/05/2022).
FIEC and EFBWW organise a Workshop on VET & Youth under the DESOCO project: "Attracting and retaining young people in the European construction industry" (18/05/2022).
7Th international meeting of Erasmus+ project Construction Blueprint, in Paris (23-24/05/2022).
2nd Workshop “Vocational Education & Training and Youth” dedicated to attracting and retaining young people in the construction industry, with the Hungarian perspective (24/05/2022).
FIEC and EFBWW host the European Labour Authority (ELA) Executive Director, Cosmin Boiangiu, at the Social Dialogue ‘Construction’ meeting (01/06/2022).
FIEC President, Philip Crampton, speaks at High Level Conference on EU Green Deal hosted by MEP Iskra Mihailova at the European Parliament. Among the topics discussed, the decarbonisation of the whole renovation process of the existing building stock and for new buildings (02/06/2022).
FIEC participates in first meeting of the Expert Group on Emissions Reduction Solutions to set future trajectories on the development of an EU-wide whole life carbon roadmap (02/06/2022).
FIEC President, Philip Crampton, is guest speaker at the "Bridges Maintenance & Safety in Europe Conference'' held in Brussels – Press Release (03/06/2022).
At the ERA Convention 2022, FIEC Director, Domenico Campogrande, explains the impact of the EU Green Deal on contractors and the challenges they face (15/06/2022).
FIEC Vice-President, Maxime Verhagen, meets with MEP Agnes Jongerius to discuss a series of key dossiers (23/06/2022).
Domenico Campogrande, FIEC Director General, is co-rapporteur for the CCMI opinion on the CPR at the European Economic and Social Committee (29/06/2022).
FIEC Statistical Report 2021 is published with latest data, figures and trends showing resilience of the European construction sector across 2022 – Press Release (29/06/2022).
FIEC welcomes at its offices in Brussels a Ukrainian delegation from city of Irpin (29/06/2022).
FIEC and EFBWW participate in the first construction thematic Workshop organised by ELA, the European Labour Authority (05/07/2022).
Kick-off meeting of the FIEC-EIC “Task Force Ukraine” chaired by FIEC Honorary President Kjetil Tonning. FIEC stands at the side of its Ukraine member federation CBU (08/07/2022).
Joint FIEC & EIC Position Paper on proposed EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (08/07/2022).
Exchange with MEP Christian Doleschal (EPP) on the Construction Products Regulation (30/08/2022).
Position Paper on the proposal for a revised Construction Products Regulation (CPR). FIEC calls for reliable and user-friendly rules in a Press Release (07/09/2022).
BIM-SPEED competition winners announced at Sustainable Places in Nice (07/09/2022).
Launch of EU-funded project TANSIRC 2 - “Towards A New Start of Industrial Relations in Construction in Central and East European Countries”. FIEC implements the project in partnership with the Bulgarian Construction Chamber (BCC) and FCIW-Podkrepa, the Construction Industry and Water Supply Federation (08/09/2022).
FIEC Director General, Domenico Campogrande, speaks at French endorsement of the ''Pact for Skills in Construction'' organised by FIEC French member federation, the Fédération Française du Bâtiment (FFB), in the framework of the Construction Blueprint project (15/09/2022).
EU-funded project ‘Reducing Respirable Crystalline and Silica Dust Effectively (RCSD)', managed by FIEC and EFBWW, gets awarded at the German Hazardous Substances Protection Prize (29/09/2022).
EIC Conference 2022 in Rome: FIEC joins a scouting mission together with ANCE and EIC's representatives to the work site of Metro C of Roma Capitale (29-30/09/2022).
FIEC and EFBWW adopt and publish a Joint Declaration on the EU Strategic Framework for Health and Safety at Work for 2021-2027 (05/10/2022).
FIEC meeting with Ambassador of the Mission of Ukraine to the EU, Vsevolod Chentsov. FIEC strongly condemns the continuous attacks against Ukraine and reiterates its support to the People of Ukraine – Press Release (11/10/2022).
FIEC at the European Labour Authority (ELA) 6th Stakeholders' Group meeting in Bratislava focused on the portal and initiatives offered by the EURES Job service, the impact of the Ukrainian conflict, and the future campaign on construction were discussed among other agenda points (11/10/2022).
FIEC participates in two Expert Hearings of the European Parliament on the proposal for a revised Construction Products Regulation (CPR) and meets with the relevant MEPs (10-12/10/2022).
The Platform on Sustainable Finance holds the 26th and last plenary meeting, FIEC thanks its representative, Pekka Vuorinen, for his hard work during his mandate – Press Release (12/10/2022).
FIEC hosts a hybrid event of the Construction 2050 Alliance on Sustainable Finance and the impact of the EU Taxonomy on the construction sector (18/10/2022).
FIEC President, Philip Crampton, participates in “Recovering Forum Ukraine” organised by the FIEC Ukrainian member federation, CBU. The event gathered more than 300 offline and 100 online participants (19/10/ 2022).
FIEC and EFBWW address psychosocial risks at the conference launched by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI). FIEC representative, Martin Sonnberger, illustrated best practices and challenges from the perspective of the construction company PORR Group (20/10/2022).
FIEC joins the final General Assembly of BIM-SPEED project in Berlin (26-28/10/2022).
Kjetil Tonning, Chairman of the FIEC-EIC Task Force “Ukraine” intervenes in a conference organised by CECE in the framework of Bauma and entitled “The Reconstruction effort in Ukraine - an occasion for information and exchange (28/10/2022).
Browse the main topics and dossiers managed by FIEC’s Commissions and Working Groups. We thank all the contractors and colleagues from our national member federations for their active contribution to the ongoing work to promote the interests of the Construction industry in all areas.
FIEC regularly participates in EU-funded projects, both as coordinator and as partner, with the objective of developing new or complementary activities and initiatives related to our on-going priorities.